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Class NameTime Offered DescriptionSchedule
COMPREHENSIVE INTRODUCTION TO BREASTFEEDING (VIRTUAL) 1300-1500 This 2 hour VIRTUAL class includes how and when to feed, latch, how to tell if baby is getting enough, hunger cues, breast care, breastfeeding’s benefits, mother care, special situations, common concerns, how support person(s) can assist, and WRNMMC support. Register Now
PREPARED CHILDBIRTH (VIRTUAL) 1300-1500 This 2 hour VIRTUAL class includes what to expect when having a baby at WRNMMC, comfort measures, false versus true labor, role of support person, stages of labor, pain control options including epidurals, delivery methods, relaxation, breathing, cesareans, recovery and postpartum. Register Now
WHAT TO EXPECT DURING YOUR STAY ON LABOR & DELIVERY 1000-1100 PowerPoint will showcase Triage, Antepartum, Operating Rooms and Post-partum. Meet the Pediatrician, Nursing Leadership, and Lactation Consultants (when available). INSTRUCTOR WILL MEET YOU AT THE WOMENS HEALTH: OBSTETRICS CLINIC waiting room, BUILDING 9, 2ND LEVEL. 2nd Tuesday of every month. In-person ONLY starting November 2022. Register Now